Achim Goerres’ Data for Reproduction and Replication I am striving to make all my data and other files available for reproduction and replication purposes. There are four public-access repositories that I have been working with so far. GESIS Archive for standard survey data German Welfare State Survey 2015-2017 (with Staffan Kumlin) Immigrant German Election Study I 2017 (with Dennis C. Spies and Sabrina J. Mayer) QualiService Bremen for qualitative focus group data Qualitative Immigrant German Election Study (with Dennis C. Spies and Sabrina J. Mayer) Harvard Dataverse for journal article publications and other quantitative data Goerres/ Karlsen/ Kumlin 2018 Busemeyer/ Goerres 2019 Goerres / Mayer / Spies 2022 Goerres / Höhne 2023 Open Science Framework Global Political Demography Database (with Pieter Vanhuysse) Election Campaigns and Welfare State Change (with Staffan Kumlin) pre-analysis registrations