Team Working Group of Empirical Political Science Team assistance E-mail goerres-office at university suffix Ms Birgit Reimann Ms Lina-Marie Zirwes Scientists by years of experience after the completion of the last master’s degree PD Dr Conrad Ziller (Mr), assistant professor with tenure and PhD supervision rights and project leader LiV and DemoCrisis Dr Philipp Chapkovski (Mr), senior postdoc POLITSOLID Paul Vierus (Mr), MA, Thyssen-project manager DemoCrisis and PhD student Johanna Plenter (Ms), MA, research associate and PhD student University of Düsseldorf Jakob Eicheler, né Kemper (Mr), MA, ERC-project officer POLITSOLID and PhD student Teresa Hummler (Ms), MA, DFG-project manager and PhD student LiV Adriana Cassis (Ms), MA, doctoral research fellow at the IMPRS Manuel Diaz Garcia (Mr), MA, project manager “Wahldemokratie vor Ort” PhD student, Goethe University Philipp Christian Kemper (Mr), MA, ERC-project officer POLITSOLID and PhD student Paul Gies (Mr), MA, lecturer and PhD student