Academic CV

Last update 17 May 2021


List of Collaborators since 2006

Miriam S. Allam, PhD (LSE), researcher at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Paris

Hans-Jürgen Andreß, PhD (Frankfurt), Habilitation (Bielefeld), late professor emeritus at the University of Cologne

Christian Breunig, PhD (Univ of Washington, Seattle), professor at the University of Konstanz

Marius R. Busemeyer, PhD (Heidelberg), Habilitation (Cologne), professor at the University of Konstanz

Evelyn Funk, independent evaluation specialist

Anne-Kathrin Fischer, PhD (Duisburg-Essen), postdoctoral research associate at Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Postdam

Björn Fischbach, insurance mathematician

Martin Höpner, PhD (Hagen), Habilitation (Cologne), research group leader (professorial level) Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies

Mads Meier Jaeger, PhD (Copenhagen), professor at the University of Copenhagen

Staffan Kumlin, PhD (Gothenburg), research professor Institute for Social Research Oslo and professor at the University of Oslo

Rune Karlsen, PhD (Oslo), professor at the University of Oslo

Rune Langer, research associate at the University of Duisburg-Essen

Staffan P. Kumlin, PhD (Gothenburg), professor at the University of Oslo

Sabrina J. Mayer, PhD (Mainz), Habilitation (Duisburg-Essen), group leader data methods DEZIM-Institute Berlin

Katrin Prinzen, PhD (Cologne), research associate at the University of Applied Sciences Koblenz

Florian Rabuza, PhD (Duisburg-Essen), senior data scientist Kaufland

Markus Tepe, PhD (FU Berlin), professor at the University of Oldenburg

Guido Tiemann, PhD (Frankfurt Oder), associate professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna

Spies, Dennis C., PhD/Habilitation (Cologne), professor at the University of Düsseldorf

Pieter Vanhuysse, PhD (LSE), professor at the University of Southern Denmark at Odense

Stefanie Walter, PhD (Zurich), professor at the University of Zurich

Andreas K. Warntjen, PhD (LSE), senior data scientist Thalia Bookstores

Simon Weschle, PhD (Duke), assistant professor, Syracuse University