This page contains material that is still work-in-progress or in the peer-review process of social science journals.
You can access most of my papers in full-text via the Social Science Research Network and/or the Open Science Framework SocArXive
Working Papers
Immigrant German Election Study 1 & 2
Who asks for help with voting? (with Manuel Diaz Garcia, Sabrina J. Mayer, Jonas Elis), working paper available
The Electoral Behaviour of Germans of Turkish Descent between 1999 and 2021 (with Manuel Diaz Garcia, Sabrina J. Mayer, Jonas Elis), working Paper available
Turnout Differences Across the Political Life Cycle between Immigrant-Origin and Native Voters (with Sabrina J. Mayer and Jonas Elis), R&R West European Politics
Elis, Jonas, M.A., Achim Goerres, Sabrina J. Mayer, and Dennis Spies. 2022. “Mobilising Immigrant-origin Voters into Survey Participation: The Effect of In-person Canvassing Versus Postal Reminders on Response Rates in a Longitudinal Election Survey.” SocArXiv. March 28. doi:10.31235/
Goerres, Achim, Sabrina J. Mayer, Dennis Spies, and Jonas Elis, M.A. 2022. “Wählerinnen Und Wähler Mit Einwanderungsgeschichte Im Bundestagswahlkampf: Erste Ergebnisse Der Immigrant German Election Study II (IMGES II) Aus Duisburg Von Mai Bis November 2021.” SocArXiv. April 9. doi:10.31235/
What is the Effect of the Identity of Others on Solidarity Behaviour? (with Markus Tepe and Jakob Kemper)
Do Natural Disasters Produce Positive Solidarity Outcomes? A Natural-Experimental Analysis of 38 African Countries (with Johannes Vüllers)
The More Giving and Reciprocating Left: Solidarity Behaviour of Voters in Large Online Survey in DE and AT (with Jakob Kemper), under review
The Extended Solidarity Game in Online Surveys in Austria and Germany (with Markus Tepe, Jan Karem Höhne, Jakob Kemper), working paper available
Welcome to Novaland: Exploring the Potential of Analysing Individual Behaviour on a Text-Based, Low-Immersive Platform of a Virtual State, with Jakob Eicheler & Jan Karem Höhne, Goerres Eicheler Höhne Novaland Doability 20240923c
First results from solidarity game in online surveys and an artificial state in an online environment
see project updates
This is a programmatic paper giving an overview of my ERC-project POLITSOLID (2021-25)
Other projects
Gender and welfare state attitudes: Studying Danish siblings (with Mads Meier Jaeger, University of Copenhagen)
a peer-reviewed working paper is available at the Centre for Welfare Studies at the University of Southern Denmark at Odense