Please see Work in Progress
You can access some of my papers in full-text here or via the Social Science Research Network (marked by **)
All data is made available for replication purposes on request.
A brief analysis of the impact of my work can be found here.
An analysis of my citations in Google Scholar can be seen here.
Kumlin, Staffan / Goerres, Achim (2022): Election Campaigns and Welfare State Change: Democratic Linkage and Leadership Under Pressure, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
See Resources Site
Goerres, Achim/ Vanhuysse Pieter eds. (2021): Global Political Demography: the Politics of Population Change, London: Palgrave Macmillan, Open Access.
Goerres, Achim/ Vanhuysse, Pieter/ Elis, Jonas/ Krause, Sebastian (2021): Global Political Demography Database, available at
Wagemann, Claudius/Goerres, Achim/Siewert, Markus eds. (2020): Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft, Wiesbaden: Springer. SpringerLink
Wagemann, Claudius/Goerres, Achim/ Siewert, Markus: Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft. Eine pluralistische Annäherung PDF
Fischer, Anne-Kathrin/ Goerres, Achim: Das Groß-N-Design PDF
Vanhuysse, Pieter/ Goerres, Achim eds. (2014 [2012]): Ageing Populations in Post-industrial Democracies: Comparative Studies of Politics and Policies, Paperback edition, London: Routledge.
see Resources for “Ageing Populations in Post-industrial Democracies”
Vanhuysse, Pieter/Goerres, Achim eds. (2012): Ageing Populations in Post-industrial Democracies: Comparative Studies of Politics and Policies, (ECPR Studies in European Political Science), hardback, London: Routledge.
incl. Introduction and a chapter with Markus Tepe “The Family and the Welfare State: the Impact of Public Provisions for Families on Young People’s Demand for Public Childcare”
The order of appearance of equal editors was decided by the toss of a coin.
Advance praise by Martin Kohli (EUI Florence), Wolfgang Lutz (Vienna Institute of Demography of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Vienna University of Economics and Business), Julia Lynch (University of Pennsylvania), and Kent Weaver (Georgetown University and Brookings Institute).
See promotion website here
Goerres, Achim (2009): The Political Participation of Older People in Europe: The Greying of Our Democracies, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Sample material
See promotion website here
Major Reports
Immigrant German Election Study II
Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Hoffmann, Philipp/ Diaz Garcia, Manuel (2024): Politische Einstellungen und Präferenzen von Menschen mit familiärer Migrationsgeschichte in Deutschland, FES diskurs, Bonn/Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Goerres, Achim, Sabrina J. Mayer, Dennis Spies, and Jonas Elis, (2022): “Wählerinnen Und Wähler Mit Einwanderungsgeschichte Im Bundestagswahlkampf: Erste Ergebnisse Der Immigrant German Election Study II (IMGES II) aus Duisburg Von Mai Bis November 2021.” SocArXiv. April 9. doi:10.31235/
Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Elis, Jonas (2022): Die Wahlbeteiligung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern mit familiärer Migrationsgeschichte. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Förderung, Stiftung Zentrum für Türkeistudien und Integrationsforschung (gefördert von der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung): Essen.
Immigrant German Election Study I
Goerres, Achim/Spies, Dennis C./Mayer, Sabrina J. (2018): Deutsche mit Migrationshintergrund bei der Bundestagswahl 2017: Erste Auswertungen der Immigrant German Election Study zu Deutschtürken und Russlanddeutschen, research report available at
Research Report from Fellowship in Barcelona
Goerres, Achim (2017): Grey or Silver Politics in Europe’s Ageing Democracies?, Report for the Open Society Foundations and the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. Full Report available here.
Das politische Leben auf kommunaler Ebene in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Research Teaching Project), 2016 and 2017
Part 1:
Goerres, Achim and Hamidou, Hayfat and Baudisch, Alexander and Schmelzer, Maximilian and Tegeler, Shari and Rabuza, Florian, Die soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Herkunft lokaler politischer Eliten in Nordrhein-Westfalen Im Jahr 2015: Ergebnisse einer telefonischen Befragung von Mitgliedern aus zehn Gemeinde- und Stadträten (The Social, Economic and Political Origins of Local Political Elites in North-Rhine Westphalia in 2015: Results from a Telephone Survey of Members of 10 Local Councils) (April 22, 2016). Available at SSRN.
Part 2:
Goerres, Achim and Hamidou, Hayfat and Baudisch, Alexander and Schmelzer, Maximilian and Tegeler, Shari, Politik Als Berufung? Die Politische Selbstwahrnehmung Lokaler Politischer Eliten in NRW Im Jahr 2015. Ergebnisse Einer Telefonischen Befragung von Mitgliedern Aus Zehn Gemeinde- Und Stadträten (Politics as Vocation? The Political Self-Image of Local Political Elites in Northrhine-Westphalia in 2015: Results from a Telephone Survey of Members of 10 Local Councils) (August 14, 2017). Available at SSRN.
Refereed journal articles
Elis, Jonas/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Goerres, Achim (2024): Are charitable donations a luxury good of the rich? Evidence from a survey and actual behavior in a superdiverse metropolis.” Social Science Quarterly, 105: 1505-1514, Open Access,
Mayer, Sabrina J./ Goerres, Achim/ Spies, Dennis C. / Diaz Garcia, Manuel/ Elis, Jonas (2024): Surveying Immigrant-Origin Voters in a Post-Migrant Society: the First Immigrant German Election Study, 2017, Electoral Studies, 89, Juni, open access
Goerres, Achim/ Vail, Mark. I (2024): How national models of solidarity shaped public support for policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis in 2020–2021, Frontiers in Political Science, Sec. Comparative Governance, Volume 6 – 2024, 06 February 2024 LINK, Open Access
Höhne, Jan Karem/ Goerres, Achim (forthcoming). Question Order effects: How Robust are Survey Measures on Political Solidarities with Reference to Germany and Europe?, International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Höhne Goerres Question order political solidarities
Elis, Jonas/ Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Spies, Dennis C. (forthcoming): Comparing the Mobilising Effects of In-person Canvassing to Postal Reminders: Experimental Evidence from a Longitudinal Election Study, International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Elis Goerres et al 2023 Comparing the mobilising effects of in person canvassing to postal reminders
Goerres, Achim/ Höhne, Jan Karem (forthcoming): Evaluating the Response Effort and Data Quality of Established Political Solidarity Measures: A Pre-Registered Experimental Test in an Online Survey of the German Adult Resident Population in 2021, Quality and Quantity. Open Access
**Spies, Dennis C./ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Elis, Jonas/ Goerres, Achim (2023): Why do Immigrants Support an Anti-Immigrant Party? Russian-Germans and the Alternative for Germany, West European Politics, 46/2: 275-99, Open Access
**Goerres, Achim/ Mayer, Sabrina J./ Spies, Dennis C, (early online, 2021): A New Electorate? Explaining the Party Preferences of Immigrant-Origin Voters at the 2017 Bundestag Election. British Journal of Political Science, 1-23. Open Access PDF
**Spies, Dennis/ Mayer, Sabrina/ Goerres, Achim (2020): What Are We Missing? Explaining Immigrant-Origin Voter Turnout With Standard and Immigrant-Specific Theories, Electoral Studies, 65, 102103, PDF
**Busemeyer, Marius R./Goerres, Achim (2020): Policy Feedback in the Local Context: Analyzing Fairness Perceptions of Public Childcare Fees in a German Town, Journal of Public Policy, 40/3, Open Access PDF
**Goerres, Achim/ Karlsen, Rune/Kumlin, Staffan (2020): What Makes People Worry about the Welfare State? A Three-Country Experiment, British Journal of Political Science, 50/4: 1519-37,
**Goerres, Achim, Mayer, Sabrina and Spies, Dennis (2020): Immigrant Voters Against Their Will: A Focus Group Analysis of Identities, Political Issues and Party Allegiances Among German Resettlers During the 2017 Bundestag Election Campaign, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46/7: 1205-1222 PDF
**Goerres, Achim/ Arens, Robin/ Rabuza, Florian (2019): Fußball und die Bundestagswahl 2013: Der kausale Einfluss von ursprünglich nicht-politischen Emotionen auf Wahlen, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 60: 561–586
**Goerres, Achim, Kumlin, Staffan and Karlsen, Rune (2019): Pressure without Pain: What Politicians (Don’t) Say about Welfare State Reform Pressures and Policy Responses, Journal of Social Policy, 48/4: 861-884, Open Access,
**Goerres, Achim/Siewert, Markus/Wagemann, Claudius (2019): Internationally Comparative Research Designs in the Social Sciences: A Review and Some Advice on the Basics, Selection Logics and Limitations, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (Special Issue Multi-Level Analysis), 71/Supplement 1: 75-97. PDF
**Goerres, Achim and Funk, Evelyn (2019): Who Counts, Counts: an Exploratory Analysis of How Local Authorities Organise the Electoral Count in Germany’s Most Populous State, German Politics, 28/1: 61-79. PDF
** Goerres, Achim and Spies, Dennis and Kumlin, Staffan (2018): The Electoral Supporter Base of the Alternative for Germany, Swiss Political Science Review, 24(3): 246–269. PDF
**Lambach, Daniel/Kärger, Caroline/Goerres, Achim (2017): Inverting the Large Lecture Class: Active Learning in an Introductory International Relations Course, European Political Science, 16/4: 553-69. PDF
**Goerres, Achim/Walter, Stefanie (2016): The Political Consequences of National Crisis Management: Micro-Level evidence from German Voters during the 2008/9 Global Economic Crisis, German Politics, 25/1: 131–153. PDF
Goerres, Achim/Kärger, Caroline/Lambach, Daniel (2015): Aktives Lernen in der Massenveranstaltung: Flipped-Classroom-Lehre als Alternative zur klassischen Vorlesung in der Politikwissenschaft, Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25/1: 135-52 (by invitation). PDF
**Goerres, Achim/Höpner, Martin (2014): Polarizers or Landscape Groomers? An Empirical Analysis of Party Donations by the 100 Largest German Companies in 1984-2005, Socio-Economic Review, 12/3: 517-44. PDF
Goerres, Achim/Prinzen, Katrin (2014): Die Sicht der Bürger auf Sozialstaat und Generationenverhältnisse in einer alternden Gesellschaft. Eine Analyse von Gruppendiskussionen (Citizens’ Views on the Welfare State and Intergenerational Relationships in an Ageing Society: an Analysis of Focus Groups), Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, 60/1: 83-107. PDF
**Goerres, Achim/Tepe, Markus (2013): Für die Kleinen ist uns nichts zu teuer? Kindergartengebühren und ihre Determinanten in Deutschlands 95 bevölkerungsreichsten Städten zwischen 2007 und 2010 (Nothing too expensive for the kids? Kindergarten fees and their determinants in Germany’s 95 most populous cities between 2007 and 2010), dms – der moderne staat, 2013/01 (Teilschwerpunkt „Der Gebührenstaat“ hrsg. von Christoph Knill). PDF
**Goerres, Achim/Prinzen, Katrin (2012): Can we Improve the Measurement of Attitudes towards the Welfare State? A Constructive Critique of Survey Instruments with Evidence from Focus Groups, Social Indicators Research, 105: 515-34. PDF
** Goerres, Achim/Tepe, Markus (2012): Doing it for the Kids? The Determinants of Attitudes towards Public Childcare in Unified Germany, Journal of Social Policy, 41/2: 349-72. PDF
** Goerres, Achim/Prinzen, Katrin (2012): Using Mixed Methods for the Analysis of Individuals: a Review of Necessary and Sufficient Conditions and an Application to Welfare State Attitudes, Quality & Quantity, 46/2: 415-50. PDF
**Allam, Miriam S./Goerres, Achim (2011): Economics, Politics or Identities? Explaining Individual Support for the Euro in New EU Member States in Central and Eastern Europe, Europe-Asia Studies, 63/8: 1399-1424. PDF. (Already published as Max Planck Discussion Paper).
**Breunig, Christian/Goerres, Achim (2011): Searching for Electoral Irregularities in an Established Democracy: Applying Benford’s Law Tests to Bundestag Elections in Unified Germany, Electoral Studies, 30: 534-45. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2010): Die soziale Norm der Wahlbeteiligung. Eine international vergleichende Analyse für Europa (The Social Norm of Voting: a Comparative European Analysis), Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 51/2: 275-296. PDF
**Goerres, Achim/Tepe, Markus (2010): Age-based Self-Interest, Intergenerational Solidarity and the Welfare State: A Comparative Analysis of Older People’s Attitudes Towards Public Childcare in 12 OECD countries, European Journal of Political Research, 49/6: 818-51. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2009): Die Einstellungen zu umverteilender Politik von einer starken Generation: die Babyboomer in Großbritannien und Westdeutschland im Vergleich (Attitudes Towards Redistributive Policies by a Powerful Generation: Comparing the Baby-boomers in Britain and West Germany), Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 19/2: 205-35. PDF
**Goerres, Achim/Tiemann, Guido (2009): Kinder an die Macht? Die politischen Konsequenzen der stellvertretenden Elternwahlrechts, (How Would Germany Have Voted if Parents Had Had Extra Votes for Their Children?), Politische Vierteljahreschrift, 50/1: 50-74. PDF
** Busemeyer, Marius R./Goerres, Achim/Weschle, Simon (2009): Attitudes towards Redistributive Spending in an Era of Demographic Ageing: The Rival Pressures from Age and Income in 14 OECD Countries, Journal of European Social Policy, 19/3: 195-212. PDF (also published as Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Discussion Papers, 08/3, PDF)
**Allam, Miriam S./Goerres, Achim (2008): Adopting the Euro in Post-Communist Countries: an Analysis of the Attitudes Towards the Single Currency, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Discussion Papers, 08/1. PDF
** Goerres, Achim (2008): Reforming the Welfare State in Times of Grey Electoral Majorities. The Myth of the “Grey Vote” in Germany, Max Planck Institute Working Paper Series, 07/5, also appeared in German Policy Studies, German Policy Studies 4(2), 2008. PDF
** Goerres, Achim (2008): The Grey Vote: Determinants of Older Voters’ Party Choice in Britain and West Germany, Electoral Studies, 27 (2):285-304. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2007): Why are Older People more Likely to Vote? The Impact of Ageing on Electoral Turnout across Europe, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 9/1: 90-121. PDF
Refereed Contributions to Edited Volumes
**Goerres, Achim (2010): Being Less Active and Outnumbered? The Political Participation and Relative Pressure Potential of Young People in Europe, in: Tremmel, Jörg (ed.): A Young Generation Under Pressure?, New York: Springer: 207-224. PDF
Ziller, Conrad/ Goerres, Achim (2023): Migrations- und Integrationspolitik, In: Handbuch Policy-Forschung, ed. Georg Wenzelburger/ Reimut Zohlnhöfer, full PDF Ziller Goerres 2023 Migrations Integrationspolitik,
Goerres, Achim (2022): Reformen der Sozialpolitik in modernen Wohlfahrtsstaaten. In: Handbuch Regierungsforschung, ed. by K.-R. Korte/ Martin Florack, Springer VS: Wiesbaden, PDF
Kumlin, Staffan/ Goerres, Achim/ Spies, Dennis C. (2021): Public Attitudes, in: Handbook of the Welfare State, hrsg. von Daniel Béland, Kimberly J. Morgan, Herbert Obinger, Christopher Pierson, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Full view on Google Books
Mayer, Sabrina J./ Goerres, Achim/ Spies, Dennis C. (2021): Die Wahlbeteiligung der Deutschen mit Migrationshintergrund – Befunde der Immigrant German Election Study (IMGES), in: Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017, hrsg. von Harald Schoen/ Bernhard Wessels, Wiesbaden: Springer, 81-96 PDF
Mayer, Sabrina J./ Hamidou, Hayfat/ Goerres, Achim (2021): Der Zusammenhang zwischen nicht-politischer Integration und politischer Teilhabe von Bürger/innen mit Migrationshintergrund: Befunde von der Bundestagswahl 2017 auf Basis der Immigrant German Election Study, in: Handbuch Integration, hrsg. von Pickel, Gert/Decker, Oliver/Kailitz, Steffen/Röder, Antje/Schulze Wessel, Julia, Wiesbaden: Springer. PDF
Hamidou-Schmidt, Hayfat/ Goerres, Achim (2020): Statistik kontaktfrei: ihre Grundlagen und softwaregestützte Anwendung unterrichten, in: Bausteine digitaler Hochschullehre in der Politikwissenschaft (Kleine Reihe Hochschullehre Politik), hrsg. von Daniel Lambach (Hrsg.) , Frankfurt a.M.: Wochenschau-Verlag. PDF
Goerres, Achim/ Krause, Sebastian (2017): Wie Wahlhelfer rekrutiert werden: Befunde aus den Kommunen Nordrhein-Westfalens, Kommunalpraxis Wahlen 8: 122–125. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2017): Alt gegen Jung? Die Wahrnehmung eines Alterskonflikts in Deutschland zwischen 1978 und 2010, in: Lebensbedingungen in Deutschland in der Längsschnittperspektive (VS Springer Verlag), hrsg. durch Marco Gießelmann, Katrin Golsch, Henning Lohmann und Alexander Schmidt-Catran, 141-56. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2016): GRÜNE NRW-Räte: Soziales Zerrbild der Gesellschaft?, Forum Kommunalpolitik, 3, 26-27. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2015): “Weighted Least Squares – Regression“, “Gewichtete Regression“, “Latente Klassenanalyse“. In: Methoden-Lexikon der Sozialwissenschaften, ed. by R. Diaz-Bone und C. Weischer, Wiesbaden: VS.
Goerres, Achim (2014): Welfare State Attitudes, in: Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, ed. by A. Michalos, New York: Springer: 7037-7041. PDF
Goerres, Achim/Tiemann, Guido (2014): Älter werden sie von allein. Die Verteidigung eines Wahlrechts mit Altersgrenze (growing old by themselves: a defense of the age requirement for democratic franchise), in: Wahlrecht für Kinder? Politische Bildung und die Mobilisierung der Jugend, ed. by. K. Hurrelmann and T. Schultze: 188-200. PDF
Busemeyer, Marius/Goerres, Achim (2014): Varieties of Capitalism, Education and Inequalities in Political Participation. In: How Welfare States Shape the Democratic Public: Policy Feedback, Participation, Voting and Attitudes, ed. by Staffan Kumlin and Isabelle Stadelmann-Steffen, Edgar Elgar: 63-92. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2013): Welfare State Reforms as the Archetype of Difficult Government Actions (Gordische Knoten im Akkord: Reformen wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Politik als Paradebeispiel schwierigen Regierens). In: Handbuch Regierungsforschung, ed. by K.-R. Korte/Timo Grunden, Springer VS: Wiesbaden: 187-196. PDF.
**Goerres, Achim (2012): From Self-help to Political Party: the Greys in Germany (Von der Selbsthilfeorganisation zur Partei: Wie aus den erfolgreichen Senioren Schutzbund Graue Panther die erfolglose Partei DIE GRAUEN wurden). In: Frontiers of Civil Society (Grenzen der Zivilgesellschaft), ed. by K. Schubert/C. Fraune, Münster: Waxmann: 93-113. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2011): What makes older people protest? (Qu’est-ce qui pousse les personnes âgées à manifester?). In: Politics over the life course (La politique au fil de l‘âge), ed. by A. Muxel, Paris: SciencesPo Les Presses: 197-212. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2010): Das Wahlverhalten älterer Menschen. Forschungsergebnisse aus etablierten Demokratien, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 41/1: 102-120. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2009): The Voting Behaviour of Older People, Research Report for the Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and Acatec (in German). Acta Nova Leopoldina. PDF
Goerres, Achim/ Warntjen, Andreas (2006): Requiem for a Dream? Academic career opportunities for young political scientists in Germany, European Political Science, 5/2: 253-63. PDF
Book Reviews
Goerres, Achim (2009): ‘The Well-being of Older People in Ageing Societies’ by Asghar Zaidi, Czech Sociological Review, 45/3.
Goerres, Achim (2006): ‘Foundations of Comparative Politics’ by Kenneth Newton and Jan van Deth, Political Studies Review, 4/3: 387.
Goerres, Achim (2005): ‘Race Politics in Britain and France: ideas and policymaking since the 1960s’ by Erik Bleich, Political Studies Review, 3/1: 159.
Other Publications
Goerres, Achim (2009): Politik in alternden Gesellschaften: ein Forschungsüberblick, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies Newsletter, 09/01. PDF
Goerres, Achim (2008): Populistische Rentenpolitik, taz, 27.04.08.
Goerres, Achim (2008): Chancen und Herausforderungen einer alternden europäischen Gesellschaft, Einführungsessay für den Sammelband “Towards a Multiage Society: The Cultural Dimension of Age Policies” commissioned by the UNESCO and the EU Economic and Social Committee (in German, English and French)