Impact & Transfer Outside of Science

I am engaging in four regular activities to have an impact outside of science

Doing Media Work

Once I have some research output that I think may be of interest to the media, I approach media contacts and liaise with our university’s PR team to spread the word. I am occasionally interviewed on TV, radio, streaming events and newspapers. My documented media work is here.

Running a blog and writing blog entries to engage in public debates

My first blog in German and English that I maintained with my team was called “Aus der Wissenschaft für die Politik” and was hosted by the University of Duisburg-Essen. It was destroyed by cyber attackers on 27 November 2022. A crawled image can still be accessed from the wayback machine.

Since 19 August 2023, together with my team, I have been running a new blog

Giving talks outside of academia

I have been invited to give schools, academies of further education, political parties and private companies to talk about the welfare state, social policy, ageing societies, survey methodology or immigrant-origin voters.

Writing commissioned expert reports

I have been working for the OECD, ministries in Germany and Switzerland, the Open Society Initiative and private companies on various topics as an expert.