Mentoring and Coaching in Academia

I have gathered extensive experience as mentor beyond my activities as a PhD or Habilitation supervisor.

ERC Mentor

Most importantly, I have acted as one of two ERC mentors of the University of Duisburg-Essen since 2021. I give strategic advice about how to set up the application, how to position oneself within the university and about how to prepare the interview. I also conduct mock interviews.

In that capacity, I mentored

Prof Stephan Scheel, sociology
Prof Lucas Vicenzo David, computer science

who were then awared Starting Grants.

I also mentored four other UDE researchers from history, English literature & social psychology who submitted grant proposals, and one of whom was called to the intervew.

In addition, I supported colleagues from sociology and political science from outside the UDE:

2 in sociology (both successfull in the Starting or Consolidator scheme), among whom

Prof Lisa Suckert

3 in political science (two successfull in the Consolidator scheme)

Academic productivity

I regularly teach events around topics of academic productivity, academic writing and project management.